There’s a protest in the air!

18 07 2011

UEFA are still going ahead with their plan therefore I have formulated my own plan;

For the FC Honka v Hacken match

1. I will blag my way in.

2. I will unfurl this flag;

3. The flag will be seen by 100s of millions on television.

4. In this age of social media the flag will become a beacon of protest before going on to be regarded as THE avatar of the zeitgeist.


For the Stadium Walls

I will make a mixture of chocolate cake and chocolate mousse to create my very own dirty protest against my disgusting  treatment at the hands of UEFA and FC Honka. I will need to buy a bucket in Helsinki for this.


On the Streets

I will liberally place these creations around the avenues and alleyways of Helsinki.

The Result

The corrupt edifice of UEFA will collapse within the next 4 and a half years



One response

18 07 2011
Gary Bebbington

Good on you – let the fuckers have it!! :o)

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